How to Create Questions for your Event #
Event Setup >> Questions
From your main registration page navigate to Event Setup >> Questions.

On your question creator/editor screen, you will see the option to create a multiple choice question or a free-form question.
Creating Multiple Choice Questions #
Step 1: In the left panel, select Multiple Choice.

Step 2: Add your question information.

Note: You must click Add+ for each individual multiple-choice option until all have been added. You can also set a quantity for each option. If you do not have a set quantity, just leave the field blank so it is unlimited.
Once you are done adding all options and question details, enable the required setting if needed, and then Create Question.
Your new questions will then appear in the right column on the page. From here, clicking edit allows you to make changes to the question quantity, and add more options.

Pro Tip>> You should never modify a question that already has activity. The changes will be reflected in runner registrations.

Creating a Free-Form Text Question #
A free-form text question allows registrants to enter written responses to your question. Example: “Tell us a fun fact about yourself”, “Are you a member of any running clubs or groups?”, or “Please list your qualifying event”.
Simply select Free Form Text option, and input your question, then click Create Question.

Examples & Other Tools #
Example: How both question types appear in the registration flow. (Multiple choice, then Freeform)

If you need to reposition your questions, you can use the up/down arrows.

If you need to remove a question, simply click Disable

When you disable a question that already has activity (responses), then the question will not disappear from your view, rather, it will appear in red displaying the text: INACTIVE. If the question has received no responses, it will be permanently deleted.
Summary of Questions #
To see a breakdown of responses to your questions, navigate to Registrations >> Dashboard >> and open the Questions Summary tab.

You can export question responses in your Participant Export and Master Grid.