Your 2024 1099-K form will be available exclusively through the Tax1099 portal, as we will not be mailing physical copies. To ensure your tax documents are delivered to your preferred email address, please complete this form by January 20, 2025. On February 1, 2025, you will receive an email from containing your portal link. Your tax documents will then be accessible directly within the portal.
What is a 1099-K? #
A 1099-K is a tax form that reports the total gross revenue you received through UltraSignup.
Gross Revenue #
- Includes: All payments processed through UltraSignup, such as race fees, add-ons, and other transactions.
- Does not include: Expenses like race costs or UltraSignup fees.
What is the Minimum Threshold for 2024? #
A 1099-K will be issued if your total revenue exceeds $5,000 for the year.
What If I Missed the Deadline to Submit My Preferred Email? #
If you don’t submit your preferred email by January 20, 2025, we will send the tax portal login information to the contact linked to the business entity in our system, using the email address associated with their account.
When Will 2024 1099-Ks Be Issued? #
You should receive your 2024 tax documents on or shortly after February 1, 2025.
Will I Get Both a Physical and Digital Copy? #
No. For 2024, we will only issue digital copies.
How Will I Receive My 1099-K? #
You will receive an email from Tax1099 on or after February 1, 2025. Please monitor your inbox and ensure this email is not marked as spam.
What is My Password? #
Password for Businesses #
If your entity is listed as a business, then the password will be the first 4 letters of your business name (in lowercase), plus the last 4 digits of your Employer Identification Number (EIN).
- If the Business Name has any special characters or the first word is less than 4 characters, please skip over the ‘&’ or special character and add letters from the next word until you have 4 characters.
- Example: Company is A&B Characters, last 4 of EIN is 1234. Password would be: abch1234
Password for Sole Proprietor #
- If your entity is under your personal name, then the password will be the first 4 letters of your first name (in lowercase), plus the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number, or the first 4 letters of your last name and the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. All letters will be lowercase.
- If your first name has fewer than 4 characters, add a character from the last name until you have 4.
- Example: Individual is Jo Black, last 4 of SSN is 1234. Password would be: jobl1234
- Whatever the name is listed at the beginning of the email after “Dear……..” will be what was filed for you.
Please note the following example:
Dear Samantha Jones,
- The password would be sama plus the last 4 digits of her SSN. For this example, 3377. The complete password is sama3377
- If it had said Dear Jones, Samantha, then the password is jone3377
The password is solely based on how your information was entered into the Tax1099 system.
Troubleshooting the password:
- Make sure any letters are lower case.
- Look at the email and see who it was addressed to: “Dear xxxxxxx” – use the first 4 letters that come after ‘Dear’…ignore spaces and special characters
- If you try the first 4 letters of your first name and the last 4 digits of your SSN and this does not work, then try the first 4 letters of your last name and the last 4 digits of your SSN
- If they listed your business name in the email and you enter the first 4 of letters of your business name and the last 4 digits of your EIN and this does not work, then try the first 4 letters of your business name and the last 4 digits of your SSN. The payer could have filed the wrong number. If you try ALL of these combinations and you can’t access the form, there is a good chance that the filer entered your information incorrectly.
How Do I Access My 1099-K? #
Access Your Email from Tax1099 #
You will receive an email like the one below, you will need to click the button labeled Click Here to opt in or consent. Please remember to check your spam folders as well.
Consent & Login #
Once you’ve clicked the link in your email, you will be redirected to the login screen below.
Entering Your Login Details #
Login using the first four letters of your name and the last four numbers of your TIN (or SSN), and your six digit passcode (provided in the email).
Note: You will be given the choice to opt-in to receive forms electronically or to opt out. You must opt-in in order to access your digital files.
Accessing Your Documents #
If you choose to opt in, you should immediately gain access to your documents.
Marketplace Facilitator vs. My Responsibilities #
If UltraSignup is responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax in your state, here’s what you need to know:
Tax Collection and Remittance #
- UltraSignup collects and remits sales tax for qualifying transactions in states with marketplace facilitator laws. If taxes are shown on your statement and withheld by UltraSignup, sales tax has already been remitted on your behalf.
1099-K Filing #
- UltraSignup provides a 1099-K for your total revenue, as required by the IRS.
Your Responsibility #
- Confirm whether your state requires additional reporting or documentation. UltraSignup’s tax filing covers the collection and remittance, but you are responsible for reporting income from these transactions.
Can’t Find My Email from #
If you do not see the email from after February 1, 2025:
Steps to Take: #
- Check Spam/Junk Folders: Emails from may sometimes be filtered into these folders.
- Confirm Revenue Threshold: Ensure your total 2024 revenue exceeds the $5,000 minimum threshold for receiving a 1099-K.
For any additional questions or support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to help ensure a smooth process for your tax reporting needs.