Below, you will find a comprehensive user manual explaining the new non-binary features and where you can expect to see them throughout the platform.
Runner Experience #
In all areas where you previously encountered “M” or “F” (Male/Female), you will also see an “X” to represent the non-binary gender option. This update applies to the following sections: results, entrants list (if the event offers a non-binary division), lottery applicants (if the event offers a non-binary division), confirmation pages, and shopping cart.
Non-Binary Option in Gender Questions #
The non-binary option will be available in all gender-related questions, including guest registration, member profile setup, and creating a new account. You can now select the non-binary gender option when filling out these forms.
Division Selection #
During the registration process for an event, non-binary runners will make both a gender selection and a division selection. The division selection will come into play when the event does not offer a specific non-binary division. See below:
Registrations for Events #
If you are registering for an event offering only 2 divisions, you will still encounter the division selection question during registration. Throughout the registration process, the “X” gender marker will follow you, appearing in the shopping cart and confirmation pages. Your division selection will display in the entrant’s list, lottery applicants, and event results. The event result may automatically merge with your non-binary results, or may appear in a new section. If it does, you can simply merge the result into your preferred section. This will not impact your individual results, “X” will still appear in your section.
Results Display #
Results will be published with the gender marker “X” to represent non-binary participants. You will have the option to filter results based on division (X) within the event/results list. However, at this time, division “X” will not have rank or division placement displayed. Rest assured, these features will be available in a future update.
Division Terminology Update #
All runners will now see “Division” in place of “Gender” throughout the platform. Additionally, the terminology will be updated from “GP” (Gender-Place) to “DP” (Division-Place). We will continue to make further updates, transitioning from “M” and “F” to “M” and “W” as well as replacing “male” and “female” with “men” and “women.”
Individual Results Pages #
On individual results pages, all runners will see “DP” (Division-Place) instead of “GP.” Non-binary runners will have “X[Age]” displayed next to their names. Prior to this update, no gender was displayed when non-binary was selected. If you participate as “M” or “F,” you may notice a new section on your results page for that participation. You have the option to combine that result into the section with the non-binary marker. This selection will not affect the division you participated in or the ranking received for the “M” or “F” participation .
What to Expect Moving Forward #
Please see this article for details about changes to look for in the coming months. This update is not retroactive, so if you need help getting your results updated, please contact the support team and we will do what we can to help 🙂