If you are planning to use the Ultrasignup race timer to time your event this guide will walk you through testing and resetting the application and your results on Ultrasignup before your event. It’s advised that you do this testing at least a week prior to your event so that you have time to properly reset and prepare.
Here is the general order of operation:
- Assign Bibs
- Get Your Code
- Add Your Code
- General Testing
- Resetting the App
- Prep for your upcoming event
Assign Bibs #
After bibs have been assigned in Ultrasignup, changes made to participants should take place in the application. If changes are made to participants in USU after bibs have been assigned, the app must be reset. Any changes made to participant records in the App are reflected in your participant list on Ultrasignup.com when you publish results from the app, i.e. distance changes, etc… Participants added [on race day] via the application will be added to your participant list in USU when you publish results. Here is the guide for assigning bibs
- Once bibs have been assigned and your data has been loaded to the application, you will not be able to reuse any bib numbers that have already been assigned to a runner. The application will not let you use the bib number again, and if you let a runner use the bib number that is already in use in the application, you will need to manually record their finish time, and manually add the time using the final results editor on ultrasignup.com.
- If you add the code in the application and assign bibs afterward, you will need to reset the app to see the bib assignments. If you see the error “NO BIB FIX ONLINE”, and you have assigned bibs, then reset the app.
- If you add a participant or allow a participant to register after bibs have been assigned and you would like to assign a bib to that runner individually, you must do so in the participant record (Guide here). Then you will need to reset the app for changes to be reflected.
Get Your Code #
Once bibs have been assigned, it’s time to get your code. Please see the guide that applies to your event:
- Recording finish times only
- Recording a fixed time event (Loops, i.e. 6 hours, 12 hours, etc…)
- Recording at aid stations
Add Your Code #
Once your code has been created, you will add the code to the application (guide here)
General Testing #
Note: You can record times, change distances, add participants, and publish results. Any changes made to participant records in the App are reflected in your participant list on Ultrasignup.com when you publish results from the app, i.e. distance changes, etc… Participants added via the application will be added to your participant list in USU when you publish results, so you may need to remove them before publishing when you are just testing.
Resetting the App #
There are 2 steps for clearing your event after testing.
- Resetting the application (see guide)
- You will do this when registration has closed, you have assigned bibs, and no other changes will be made to participants on ultrasignup.com.
- Clear uploaded data from Ultrasignup.
To clear uploaded data from Ultrasignup, go to timing and results >> live results editor >> delete all splits. See here:

Lastly, if changes have been made to participants, then you will need to reassign bibs.
- Assign bibs (see guide)
- You do have the ability to update bib numbers on individual participants. (see guide)
General FAQ #
- Race day registration can be added to the app via menu >> tools >> add participant.
- You cannot reuse bib numbers that have already been assigned to another runner
- See this guide on adding participants.
- You can make changes to finish times in the app, and remove a finish time if recorded erroneously. See guides: deleting times; changing times.
- If you need to change participants to DNF or DNS status in the app, please see this guide.
- To change your participant from one distance to another, please see this guide.
- If you need to hide a distance, OR if you accidentally hide a distance and you need to recover it, please see this guide.
The Race Clock #
- Your race clock will start automatically at the time your event was scheduled to start in ultrasignup.com. The clock will countdown to the start time, and then it will begin counting up.
- To check or change your event start time prior to adding your code, please see this guide.
- If you need to adjust the start time on race day within the application, please see this guide.
- When updating the start time in the app, please review your settings before updating the time. Check the day, month, & year in addition to the time itself.
- Your race clock needs to be updated prior to runners being recorded. If you change the clock after runners have been recorded, their time will not be updated.
- You do not need to stop the clock in the app, there is actually no way to stop the clock. It will continue to run until you add a new code for your next event. No worries, this does not affect your results.
- In your application tools, you have a “Race Clock” feature. This can be used to display a race clock for everyone to see if you do not have a race clock. You can connect a separate device (with the application displaying the race clock) to a larger screen. Here is how to use the race clock.
Aid Stations #
- Each aid station will have its own code. To create these codes, please see this guide.
- The devices do NOT share data, you will not be able to track runners on the course unless you have a wifi/data connection and you have enabled live tracking. If this is the case, then a runner’s progress can be tracked on ultrasignup.com (guide coming).
Looped Events #
- To time a looped event, you simply tap the bib or key the bib number each time the runner crosses the finish line, each lap time is recorded, and you will do this for the duration of the event.
- From the keypad view, your runner will accumulate laps in the form of a number on the runners name, & from the bib tap view, you will see a number in the top right corner of the bib for each lap that has been recorded.
- To set up a looped event, please see this guide.
- Per the race timer configuration options, you can only record loops if they are even loops, i.e. a 12-hour event on a 5-mile loop. If you have uneven loop options (i.e. a 12-hour event on a 5-mile loop, 2-mile loop, and a 7-mile loop), you will need to get creative when using the race timer as it will only allow for equal loops.
Important Note: Backup Your Data #
It is very important that you backup your data frequently throughout your event. This enables our team to save you by recovering your results in the event that your device crashes. ** It is not guaranteed that results can be recovered if lost.
Please see this data backup guide.